2023 June/July – European Adventure

We’re going to Europe! We’ve been trying to go for several years now, but school schedules and such just never lined up. Finally, we’re going this summer! We’ll have a quick one-night layover in Lisbon before heading to Madrid, Paris, and London! So excited! Come along!


Since this was just a long layover, we really only had several hours to explore the Chiado area and have dinner. So, I figured the quickest way to try more local foods was to go to a TimeOut food hall. They always have many good, local restaurants there in one place, so we each got a dish or two from several different restaurants and shared them all. And yes, of course, we got the iconic Portuguese egg tarts! Everything was delicious! We definitely want to go back and explore more of Lisbon. What we saw of it was beautiful!


I’ve wanted to come to Spain since taking Spanish in high school, so it’s exciting to finally be here! We spent 5 days exploring all over the city, staying at a cool AirBnB that turned out to be right near the middle. That was awesome! It is such a quaint walkable city! If you don’t want to walk or need to go farther distances, their metro system is easy to navigate also.

We saw all of the iconic sites and tried so many foods. There is quite a range of international foods too, but of course, we also got local tapas several times. We tried so many different kinds. It’s fun just to sample a little of everything. So good! Everyone we met along the way was super friendly, and we got by fine speaking English, though knowing some basics in Spanish is nice. We will definitely come back to Madrid and would love to explore more of Spain as well. This is one of our new favorite cities!

This page is getting a little long. Let’s continue the rest of the trip on the next page as we fly from Madrid to Paris.

Flight from Madrid to Paris

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

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